I was brewing a nice hot cuppa
and happened to have my camera close by me-
so I grabbed it and quickly snapped a few pics
of this glorious and beautiful bird.
This is also Ohio's official State Bird.
This is also Ohio's official State Bird.
These pics were taken from quite far away
through my kitchen window
with no tripod so they aren't very crisp.
Had I taken the time to grab the tri-pod
this handsome fella would've been long gone.
In the pic above I think he sees me,
it appears as though he's looking directly at me.
I love we can see the seed in his mouth.
Oh, was he such a gobbler!
I have been sooooo MIA - lots going on in my life:
two choir friends have had serious surgeries,
two choir friends had babies, another aquaintance passed away,
two choir friends had babies, another aquaintance passed away,
and I also burned my poor tummy badly.
(Warning: take extra caution handling boiling water when getting it out of the microwave!)
(Warning: take extra caution handling boiling water when getting it out of the microwave!)
But I truly am on the end of my mend!
I am going to be FINE - so please,
no worries, all is healing well! I promise!
All of this happened since my last post, so it's been kinda crazy!
All of this happened since my last post, so it's been kinda crazy!
I sincerely apologize for not visiting you -
my wonderful blogging friends though, nor posting,
my wonderful blogging friends though, nor posting,
due to feeling pretty crummy.
One good thing happening lately is we're in the middle
of having a good portion of the downstairs repainted.
We're in that horrible drywall dust/holes filled/cracks smoothed
dusty/rotten/messy/icky stage right now.
We're not changing the color as much as freshening up
and covering problems fixed this time around
using a much higher quality paint.
using a much higher quality paint.
I am so excited, and can't wait to have this all behind us
so I can re-decorate and blog about it again!
(It can't happen soon enough, that's for sure!)
"No pain, no gain."
That's has been our mantra lately
and what we keep reminding ourselves. A lot.
I am also excited because my husband took out
the upstairs old broken bath medicine cabinet.
We refreshed the paint up there too - same color just fresh!
I just love having a place to put artwork on that plain wall now.
I just love having a place to put artwork on that plain wall now.
On my way over now to join in on the fun at
Judith's blog Lavender Cottage
for her linky party!
Click on her icon below to take you there
to see all sorts of awesome mosaics each week!

Click on her icon below to take you there
to see all sorts of awesome mosaics each week!

Throw together a mosaic of your own,
and join in the fun to start your Monday out nicely!
If you haven't tried PicMonkey's free editing for all your pics
you are really missing out on brightening up and fixing all your pics.
They have a really fun Mosaic program- and it's all super easy to use.
They also have awesome tutorials, I am still learning it myself!
(Be sure to try it, you will be so glad you did!)
This is NOT a paid endorsement, just me loving PicMonkey
and knowing you will too!
If you haven't tried PicMonkey's free editing for all your pics
you are really missing out on brightening up and fixing all your pics.
They have a really fun Mosaic program- and it's all super easy to use.
They also have awesome tutorials, I am still learning it myself!
(Be sure to try it, you will be so glad you did!)
This is NOT a paid endorsement, just me loving PicMonkey
and knowing you will too!