I would very much like to share some of my most cherished pink rose possessions. Each has a very special meaning to me. Thank you for indulging me as I get a bit wordy, as I am prone to be.
This first picture is my all-time favorite rose treasure. It is a cherished painting of soft pink roses done by my maternal grandfather. (He was a truly talented lithographer/artist for a newspaper and made a good living with his talent.) This lovely painting hung above our piano all the while we were growing up.......I thought of him often while I practiced and played.
My sweet mother died many years ago, and by the way of it I am lucky enough to have this painting in my possession at this time. It resides in my girliest of guest rooms and is quite happily situated there.
Here is a little closer to see the detail a bit better:
The rose teacup below is another truly cherished item, given to me by my husband's father. My father-in law was a mechanical engineer who took a job for a company in Japan for an extended time when he was younger. He was given the true "royal treatment of hospitality" while he was there and was taken to a local china factory...and was fortunate enough to be shown the true "behind the tour scenes" areas as well. He purchased a few lovely teacups for the women in his life at the time at that factory......and years later, as came to know me and how much I love All Things Tea, gave me this beauty! We recently lost my beloved father-in-law, he passed away in September 2011. This sweet teacup means even more to me now.
Here is the back side, with a smaller rosebud:
This is one of my favorite child-made items I have. It is called a "pinch pot." It was made for me for Mother's Day when my youngest daughter was very young. I absolutely cherish this. She always knew I loved girlie things.......and she being such the tom-boy, makes it even more special!
I took this photo using one of a vintage set of lovely soft pink roses linen napkins that I occassionally use for spring or summer teas.)
Below are two items I have had since I was a little girl. My father, while on a sales trip, brought back these for my little sister and me when we were very young. As my little sister was also a tom boy, I sort of "inherited" them BOTH to keep safe in my pretty pink girlie world......and I have had them so long I couldn't even TELL you which one was mine originally. My sister always said they should stay together in my china display cabinet...so there they are in all they tiny sweet girlie rose glory to this very day! Aren't they just precious?

I have many tea sets (DH would say TOO many, haha.) I have been collecting old china for years. This particular set is my very favorite. I have managed to find and complete the set for twelve with all the dinner plates, bread plates, dessert plates, teacups and saucers, serving plates & bowls, several matching teapots, small dessert bowls, soup bowls, etc. This is just a sampling of a teapot, sugar bowl, milk jug and one teacup set to show it off. I just love those sweet tender little pink rose swags!
And last but not least: lovely dark pink roses from my garden last summer...........my daughter planted this bush before moving 2000 miles away - so we'd think of her when they were in bloom.........isn't this a wonderful rose bush?
Thank you for taking the time to let me share some of my favorite pink rose things. Please join me in celebrating with Sandi at
Rose Chintz Cottage for her Tea of Roses 2 year anniversary rose party!